A message from CEO Dan Siegel in response to the current war in Ukraine
As the unthinkable unfold in Ukraine, the world has been moved by the heroism of Ukrainians.
Fight or flight is our most basic instinct. Faced with that primal decision on the world stage when offered evacuation from Kyiv by the United States, Ukrainian President Zelensky responded: “The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride.” He chose to risk his own life to defend his people and his country from tyranny.
Watching this war unfold live on our televisions, computers, and smartphones changes the dynamic. No longer do we live in a world disconnected by physical distance where events “over there” can be compartmentalized and ignored.
This situation has challenged me to consider how I would react if my family and friends and country were threatened. Despite the uncomfortable reality that many Ukrainians who stay and fight will most likely sacrifice their lives, their resilience and strength is an extraordinary expression of the human spirit.
That spirit brings me hope. At the same time, this unprovoked aggression, senseless loss of innocent life, and the threat of nuclear war elicit a broader spectrum of feelings for me ranging from confusion to defiance to fear to anger. Perhaps you feel them as well.
So, what can we do?
As a company empowering timely access to emergency medical treatment, it is in our DNA to care for others. In this moment of dire need, we can pull together as a team to support our Ukrainian sisters and brothers.
Donate to Help Ukraine
The SHP leadership team has authorized the company to donate $10,000 outright and then match all individual donations up to an additional $10,000 (so up to $30,000 of total impact). This is 100% optional of course and no amount is too small. We have vetted and selected two organizations, both of whom offer emergency medical supplies in Ukraine to those who need them most:
If you choose to donate, please do so directly through either organization above, then send your receipt to donate@synergy-hp.com so we can credit your contribution to our matching program. Remember, every dollar counts.
Thank you for joining Synergy Health Partners as we stand with Ukraine.